Our Vision

Leechburg First United Methodist Church

Growing, Loving, and Serving in Christ’s Name

Leechburg First United Methodist Church will GATHER as God’s people to GROW in faith, love and service and to GO into the community making disciples for Jesus Christ.

We will Grow our knowledge through small groups, various Bible studies, new member mentoring, conference workshops and other educational opportunities.

We will Grow our visibility by hosting programs in our building and taking part in community events and increasing our presence on social media.

We will Love by making our services accessible to all through the use of technology, visitation teams and other initiatives.

We will share our Love of Christ by continuing the sharing of testimonies.

We will Serve our congregation by offering our time and talents through the development of an effective stewardship program.

We will Serve our community by continuing our current mission projects while seeking out new needs that we can meet. Grief support groups, octogenarian support, respite care, divorce and single parent support are a few possible needs.

We will Serve our community by Connecting with our local schools and offering programs for the children and youth of our community.

We will Serve our world by supporting UMCOR projects and other missions across the globe.
