Who We Are

Our Mission & Vision

Our vision…

is Growing, Loving, and Serving in Christ’s Name.

Our mission…

is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Our Ministry Goals

Leechburg First United Methodist Church will GATHER as God’s people to GROW in faith, love and service and to GO into the community making disciples for Jesus Christ.

We will Grow our knowledge through small groups, various Bible studies, new member mentoring, conference workshops and other educational opportunities.

We will Grow our visibility by hosting programs in our building and taking part in community events and increasing our presence on social media.

We will Love by making our services accessible to all through the use of technology, visitation teams and other initiatives.

We will share our Love of Christ by continuing the sharing of testimonies.

We will Serve our congregation by offering our time and talents through the development of an effective stewardship program.

We will Serve our community by continuing our current mission projects while seeking out new needs that we can meet. Grief support groups, octogenarian support, respite care, divorce and single parent support are a few possible needs.

We will Serve our community by Connecting with our local schools and offering programs for the children and youth of our community.

We will Serve our world by supporting UMCOR projects and other missions across the globe.

For Our Visitors

Frequently Asked Questions

It’s not easy visiting a church for the first time. We hope this information will ease those first-time jitters.

What do United Methodists believe?

As a part of the worldwide United Methodist Church family, we follow a set of Bible-based, God inspired beliefs set forth by our denomination. To learn more about our beliefs, CLICK HERE.

Where should I park? Is there handicapped parking available?

You are welcome to park in the parking lot across the street from the church or you may park on the street in front of or behind the church. The parking lot is accessible from alley between Main and Market streets. There is a handicapped space on the left side of the church and a handicapped entrance at the left rear of the building.

What time should I arrive?

We currently offer one in-person worship service on Sunday morning at 10:00 am or Watch on YouTube. No Sunday school during the summer months, but it is normally at 9:00 am. We suggest you arrive 5-10 minutes prior to the start of the service.

What should I expect?

You can expect to find someone at the door to greet you and answer any questions you may have.

Our in-person Church service is @ 10:00 am, you can also watch virtually through YouTube. You can find additional information, links & Bulletins on our Web Site (lfumc.org).  You will have the opportunity to listen to scripture, join in hymn singing accompanied by our pipe organ, pray both privately and in unison, listen to our choir, enjoy a children’s sermon and hear our pastor preach. This worship service usually lasts about 1 hour.

The first Sunday of each month we celebrate the sacrament of Communion.  All who believe in Jesus as their Lord and Savior are invited to receive.

What should I wear?

We care about you, not what you’re wearing. You will find everything from business suits to casual shorts, so wear what is comfortable for you.

Is there Sunday School?

September through May from 9:00 am-to 9:30 am, Sunday School for adults is offered.

The adult class meets in the fellowship hall of our education building on the right side of the building. Our adults spend this hour studying different books of the Bible. The class leader guides the group with the opportunity for questions and discussion. You may choose to participate in the discussion or just sit back and listen to others.

Currently, No children Sunday school classes are offered.

Is there Children's Church or a Nursery?

Your children are welcome to sit with you throughout our service. There are bags with coloring pages, crayons and books available to keep them occupied during the service if needed. Ask a greeter or an usher for a bag. At the 10:00 service, children are invited down to the first pew for a short children’s sermon.

Also, our Nusery is available for the children, where they can play & watch the Live Stream Service on TV.

How do I join the church?

Speak to our pastor about joining the church or moving your membership to our church. We would love to have you as a member!

Who We Are

Meet Our Staff/Pastor

Rev. Sara J. Wrona


Rev. Sara J. Wrona is a native of Western North Carolina, but grew up in New Kensington, PA. Before entering ministry, Sara worked in the human resource field and in church administration for a Presbyterian Church.  After discerning her call to ministry, Sara first served as an associate pastor for the Allegheny River Charge, then moved to the then three-point Kiski Charge to serve as a co-pastor.  Since 2014, Sara has served as solo pastor of the now two-point Kiski Charge.  Sara completed the Course of Study at the West Virginia Extension of the Course of Study School of Ohio in 2013.

Sara serves on the Conference Board of Ordained Ministry as the Licensing School Director and the Local Pastor Registrar.  She is currently the Vice-President of the Board of Directors of Olmsted Manor Retreat Center.  In the denomination, she has served with the UM Rural Advocates, the UM Appalachian Ministry Network, and the Rural Chaplains Association. Sara has a passion for justice and outreach ministries and has a heart for being in ministry with all of God’s children.

Sara and her husband, Paul, have been married for 33+ years and have three grown children: Rachel, who is married to Jimmy, and twins Katy and Sean. Sara loves her new role as Nanna to her grandson Cannon.